At TeachRock, we are a results-oriented organization. Our goal is always to support teachers and students and we want to know what's working and identify areas for improvement. That's why we have developed a multi-pronged approach to evaluation at TeachRock which features both quantitative and qualitative data.

TeachRock User Surveys

We survey all of our users each Fall. This annual survey allows us to view demographic trends and gain an understanding of the user experience. Participants report on student engagement, frequency of use, benefits, and challenges.

See our Fall 2023 User Survey Results here.

TeachRock Qualitative Evaluation

TeachRock partnered with Emergence Collective to collaboratively define an organizational theory of change (TOC) and evaluation strategy. Grounded in the belief that evaluation is most meaningful (and rigorous) when it is inclusive of the broad voices involved in carrying out the organization's mission, we involved a wide variety of TeachRock partners throughout all aspects of this process.

See our recent Qualitative Evaluation here.

TeachRock Site Data

We review our site usage data quarterly. This allows us to see trends in use of our resources. This was especially helpful as we began developing our Distance Learning Lessons during the pandemic. We were able to identify the most frequently used lessons and create student-facing slide decks to meet the unique needs of distance learning.

Partner School Surveys

These surveys are administered at three points during the school year. Questions address teacher efficacy and student engagement, as well as offering teachers an opportunity to comment on their experience in using our TeachRock Resources. We also elicit feedback on TeachRock Professional Development Sessions.

See recent Partner School Surveys here.

Student Surveys

We enjoy hearing from students, and administer surveys with parent approval. These surveys aim to measure the student experience with TeachRock.

See recent Student Survey Results here.

Partner School Data

We collect several data points from our Partner Schools, including information on students attendance, tardies, office referrals, and assessment results.

TeachRock Teacher Brain Trust

The Brain Trust is a group of teachers that is assembled periodically for in depth discussion and evaluation of a particular topic. This team of teachers represents a variety of geographic regions and teaching assignments, and includes new teachers as well as seasoned veterans.

TeachRock and Perception Institute

TeachRock partners with Perception Institute, a consortium of researchers, advocates, and strategists who translate cutting edge mind science research on race, gender, ethnic, and other identities into solutions that reduce bias and discrimination, and promote belonging.