Bring TeachRock to Your School with ESSER III Funding–Before Time Runs Out!

Dear TeachRock Educators and Supporters,

Did you know that there are currently billions of dollars in unspent federal funds available to schools across the country?

Federal ESSER III funds provide $190 billion to states, districts, and schools and have been set aside to support student learning loss and student wellness related to the pandemic. A recent report shows that many states lag behind significantly in spending these valuable funds, Over $50 billion in ESSER III Funds are projected to remain unspent by the September 30th deadline! 

Many TeachRock resources and programs address ESSER III criteria. 

TeachRock can help districts and schools meet ESSER III needs by:

  • Addressing student learning loss
  • Supporting social-emotional development
  • Providing equitable access

Our non-profit organization offers a variety of partnership opportunities for schools and districts, designed to support successful implementation of TeachRock’s robust, open source resources. 

TeachRock provides:

  • Full courses of study for History or Music Electives Classes and SEL/Student Wellness
  • Exciting professional development sessions designed to ensure teachers have the confidence, knowledge, expertise, and resources necessary to engage students and boost their success, both on-site or virtually.  

Pricing is based on service and support at the school site level, regardless of school size or enrollment. 

TeachRock can help you use your ESSER III funds to fill your school with the sounds, science, and stories of music, and improve student outcomes in the process! 

Teachers across the country report that student engagement rose by 91% when using our Teachrock Resources, and a high school student recently told us she loves TeachRock because it “uses the things she loves to help her learn the things she’s expected to.” What could be better? 

For additional information and pricing, please contact Randa Schmalfeld, TeachRock’s Director of Partnerships:  

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