Deadline Extended for RRAS Summer Teacher Workshop, July 29 – 30, 2015

On July 29–30, 2015, Steven Van Zandt's Rock and Roll Forever Foundation will hold a two-day Summer Teacher Workshop in New York City, centered on the Rock and Roll: An American Story (RRAS) education project.

Geared toward middle and high school teachers who have already used the RRAS curriculum in their classrooms, and those who have a real interest in doing so, this workshop will feature guest presentations and group discussions, as well as explore participants' experiences with RRAS materials. A small group of educators will be invited to attend.

The application deadline has been extended to Wednesday, June 10. Applications must be sent to and contain the following:

  • Teacher's name and contact information (e-mail address, phone number, and mailing address)
  • School affiliation and location, subject areas and grade levels taught
  • A description of no more than three paragraphs indicating which RRAS lessons you have used and in what context, providing a brief analysis of the results

Applications are due by 11:59pm EDT on June 10, 2015, and those who are selected will be notified on or around June 15. There is no registration fee, and participants will receive a free continental breakfast and lunch. Accommodations and travel will not be provided.