What is a Zine?
“In High School I made a zine about all the bands we saw. I shared my artwork, ideas and poetry.” ~ Steve Aoki
Recently, Students at West End Middle School in Nashville participated in TeachRock’s new Harmony Lesson “Free Your Mind: Exploring Growth Mindset with Steve Aoki”. This lesson explores the concept of Growth Mindset and the value of collaboration through music videos and interview clips featuring Steve Aoki. West End students learn how Steve Aoki exemplifies the Growth Mindset and the spirit of collaboration. As a culminating project, students created their own Zines.
What is a zine you ask? A zine is a self-published, non-commercial work. Zines are created and bound in many DIY ways, but traditionally they are produced by folding, and stapling the pages into simple booklets.
Each of TeachRock’s Harmony Student Wellness Lessons includes an arts-based project which encourages creativity and self-expression, and this zine project is a great example. The zines that West End students created gave them an opportunity to share information about their interests, hobbies, and self awareness. We love these photos which show the collaboration and creativity of these students!
To learn more about the Teachrock Harmony Student Wellness Program or to find out how to bring Harmony to your school, reach out to Randa Schmalfeld, our Director of Partnerships at randa@teachrock.org.